
π Park, Yibin, Sichuan

2020-08-07 588

Project background:Yibin City plans to set up a double City area in Lingang New Area to focus on the development of benchmarking education, scientific research, innovation and cultural industries. Shuangcheng is located in the core development area of Lingang New Area and is the overall development focus of port.

Lingang New AreaIt is located in the east of Yibin City, between the main city of Sanjiang and Nanxi New District, and connects with the central business district of Sanjiangkou city in the West. In the past, the port area was a port area dominated by water transportation and logistics. Nowadays, Lingang New Area plays an important role in the development planning of Yibin City and plays an important role in the five major city groupsLogistics hub, industrial base, scientific and technological innovation agglomeration, industry city integrationThe important role of。

The project area is located in Lingang New Area, one of the five major urban areas in Yibin. It is the central area of Shuangcheng area in the planning of Lingang New Area. It is the intersection of two main trunk roads in this area. It is the gateway of Lingang New Area. As a traffic hub, its geographical location is very superior。

The project mainly adopts LEDEmbedded curtain wall lampRGBWY,FiveAbout Ten00 sets,LEDEmbedded underground lampRGBW,two thousandCover the left and right sides,10Meter diametercharacteristicA kind ofRing water curtain modeling lamp1set,monochrome3000KProject lightSixtyRight and left, specialcolour3.5/9.6Rice courtyardlamp6About 0 sets and a few linear underwater lamps